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add(byte) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.OC16ChecksumProducer
Adds the specified 8-bit value to the checksum.
add(byte, byte) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.OC16ChecksumProducer
Adds the specified 8-bit values to the checksum.
add(short) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.OC16ChecksumProducer
Adds the specified 16-bit value to the checksum total.
add(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.OC16ChecksumProducer
Adds the specified 32-bit value to the checksum.
add(long) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.OC16ChecksumProducer
Adds the specified 64-bit value to the checksum.
addOption(IPHeader.Option) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Adds an option to the IP header.
AddressMaskReply - Class in org.opennms.protocols.icmp
This is the implementation of an ICMP Address Mask Reply object.
AddressMaskReply() - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskReply
Creates a new ICMP Address Mask Request object.
AddressMaskReply(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskReply
Creates a new ICMP Address mask reply from the spcified data at the specific offset.
AddressMaskRequest - Class in org.opennms.protocols.icmp
This is the implementation of an ICMP Address Mask Reqeust object.
AddressMaskRequest() - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskRequest
Creates a new ICMP Address Mask Request object.
AddressMaskRequest(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskRequest
Creates a new ICMP Address mask request from the spcified data at the specific offset.
addressToString(int) - Static method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Converts the passed 32-bit IPv4 address to a dotted decimal IP address string.
addressToString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Converts the passed IPv4 address buffer to a dotted decimal IP address string.
addressToString(int) - Static method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Converts the passed 32-bit IPv4 address to a dotted decimal IP address string.
addressToString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Converts the passed IPv4 address buffer to a dotted decimal IP address string.


byteToInt(byte) - Static method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Converts a byte to an integer.
byteToShort(byte) - Static method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Converts a byte to a short.


close() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.IcmpSocket
This method is used to close and release the resources associated with the instance.
CODE_BAD_IP_HEADER - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_COMMUNICATIONS_ADMIN_PROHIBITIED - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_DESTINATION_HOST_ADMIN_PROHIBITED - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_DESTINATION_HOST_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_DESTINATION_NETWORK_ADMIN_PROHIBITED - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_DESTINATION_NETWORK_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_END_OF_OPTION_LIST - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.Option
Defines the code for the End-Of-Options list
CODE_FRAGMENTATION_NEEDED - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_HOST_PRECEDENCE_VIOLATION - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_HOST_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_HOST_UNREACHABLE_FOR_TOS - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_LOOSE_SOURCE_ROUTE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.Option
Defines the code for the loose source routing option
CODE_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE_FOR_TOS - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_PORT_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_PRECEDENCE_CUTOFF_IN_EFFECT - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_REDIRECT_FOR_HOST - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_REDIRECT_FOR_NETWORK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_REDIRECT_FOR_TYPE_OF_SERVICE_AND_HOST - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_REDIRECT_FOR_TYPE_OF_SERVICE_AND_NETWORK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_REQUIRED_OPTION_MISSING - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_ROUTE_RECORD - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.Option
Defines the code for the packet route record option.
CODE_SOURCE_HOST_ISOLATED - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILED - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_STRICT_SOURCE_ROUTE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.Option
Defines the code for the strict soruce routing option
CODE_TTL_EQ_ZERO_IN_REASSEMBLY - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
CODE_TTL_EQ_ZERO_IN_TRANSIT - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
computeChecksum() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskReply
Computes the ones compliment 16-bit checksum for the ICMP message.
computeChecksum() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskRequest
Computes the ones compliment 16-bit checksum for the ICMP message.
computeChecksum() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Computes and stores the current checksum based upon the data currently contained in the object.
computeChecksum() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Provides the default checksum implementation for the ICMP header.
computeChecksum(OC16ChecksumProducer) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Used by derived classes to begin the checksum process.
computeChecksum() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Computes the ones compliment 16-bit checksum for the ICMP message.
computeChecksum() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampRequest
Computes the ones compliment 16-bit checksum for the ICMP message.


debug(String) - Method in interface org.opennms.protocols.icmp.IcmpSocket.Logger
dontFragment() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.IcmpSocket
This method is used to set the "Don't Fragment" bit for the socket.


EndOfOptions() - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.EndOfOptions
Constructs a new End-Of-Options list instance that can be added or found in the IP header.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Test to determine if the passed object is equal to self.
ErrorMessage - Class in org.opennms.protocols.icmp
Defines the default error handler object for processing ICMP error messages.
ErrorMessage(byte, byte) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ErrorMessage
Creates a new ICMP Error Message object.
ErrorMessage(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ErrorMessage
Creates a new ICMP timestamp reply from the spcified data at the specific offset.


FLAGS_DONT_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Don't fragment datagrams field
FLAGS_MASK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
The mask of the flags in the fragment field of the IP header
FLAGS_MORE_FRAGMENTS - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
More fragments are necessary to reassemble this packet


getAddress() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Returns the 32-bit IPv4 address.
getAddressBytes() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Returns the IPv4 address in the form of an array of 4 bytes
getAddressMask() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskReply
Used to get the IPv4 32-bit address mask.
getChecksum() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Used to retrieve the current checksum for the header.
getChecksum() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Gets the 16-bit ones compliment checksum for the IP header.
getChecksum() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.OC16ChecksumProducer
Returns the current checksum value that has been computed for the object.
getCode() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Returns the 8-bit code for the ICMP packet.
getDataSize() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Returns the size of the integer headers in packet
getDestinationAddress() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Returns the dotted decimal string address of the destination IP address.
getFlag(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Used to get an individual flag from the flags field.
getFlags() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Used to get the 3-bit flags from the header.
getFragmentOffset() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Returns the 13-bit fragment offset field from the IP header.
getHeaderLength() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Used to get the current length of the IP Header.
getHeaderSize() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
getIdentity() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Used to get the headers user defined identity.
getIdentity() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Used to retreive the 16-bit identity of the header.
getIPHeader() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ErrorMessage
Used to access the IP Header that caused the ICMP error message to be generated.
getMinimumNetworkSize() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Returns the size of the integer headers in the packet plus the required 'OpenNMS!' string.
getNetworkSize() - Static method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
getNetworkSize() - Static method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
getOptionClass() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.Option
Returns the class for the option.
getOptionData() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Retrieves the IP header options from the header.
getOptionNumber() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.Option
Returns the option number for the instance
getOptions() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Returns a list of options that are associated with the IP header.
getOriginateTS() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Retreives the current timestamp of the reqeust object.
getOriginateTS() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampRequest
Retreives the current timestamp of the reqeust object.
getPacketLength() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Returns the length of the IP packet, including the header, in bytes.
getPacketSize() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
getPingRTT() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Gets the ping Round Trip Time
getProtocol() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Gets the protocol for the IP datagram.
getProtocolData() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ErrorMessage
Retreives the 8 bytes of protocol data that caused the error.
getReceivedTime() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Gets the currently set received time.
getReceiveTS() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Retreives the current received timestamp of the reqeust object.
getSentTime() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Returns the time the packet was sent.
getSequenceId() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Returns the sequence identifier for the ICMP header.
getSourceAddress() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Returns the dotted decimal string address of the source IP address.
getTID() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Returns the currently set Thread ID
getTransmitTS() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Retreives the current transmit timestamp of the reply object.
getTTL() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Gets the 8-bit Time To Live (TTL) of the packet.
getType() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Returns the 8-bit type code for the ICMP packet.
getTypeOfService() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Retreives the current TOS field from the header.
getTypeOfService(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Use to test individual bits in the TOS fields.
getVersion() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Used to retreive the current version of the IP Header.


hashCode() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
If you override equals() you need to make a hashCode implementation as well


ICMPEchoPacket - Class in org.opennms.protocols.icmp
The ping packet for discovery
ICMPEchoPacket(long) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Creates a new discovery ping packet that can be sent to a remote protocol stack.
ICMPEchoPacket(long, int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Creates a new discovery ping packet that can be sent to a remote protocol stack.
ICMPEchoPacket(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Creates a new discovery ping packet from the passed buffer.
ICMPHeader - Class in org.opennms.protocols.icmp
This class defines Internet Control Message Protocol header.
ICMPHeader() - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Initializes the header to a default value.
ICMPHeader(byte) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Initializes the header using the specified type.
ICMPHeader(byte, byte) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Initializes the header with the specified type and code values.
ICMPHeader(byte, byte, short, short, short) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Constructs an ICMP header with the specified header fields.
ICMPHeader(ICMPHeader) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Constructs a duplicate ICMP header that is identical to the passed ICMPHeader object.
ICMPHeader(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Constructs a new ICMP header based upon the data contained in the buffer.
IcmpSocket - Class in org.opennms.protocols.icmp
This class provides a bridge between the host operating system so that ICMP messages may be sent and received.
IcmpSocket(short) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.IcmpSocket
Constructs a new socket that is able to send and receive ICMP messages.
IcmpSocket.Logger - Interface in org.opennms.protocols.icmp
info(String) - Method in interface org.opennms.protocols.icmp.IcmpSocket.Logger
IP_VERSION - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
The supported version of the IP header
IPHeader - Class in org.opennms.protocols.ip
This class defines a loaded IP header object.
IPHeader() - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Constructs a basic IP header, but the header is not valid until a large part of the information is configured.
IPHeader(IPHeader) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Constructs a new IP Header object that is identical to the passed IPHeader.
IPHeader(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Constructs a new IPHeader object from the passed data buffer.
IPHeader.EndOfOptions - Class in org.opennms.protocols.ip
This class is used to represent the End-Of-Option list in the IP header.
IPHeader.LooseSourceRouteOption - Class in org.opennms.protocols.ip
This class represents the loose source routing options that may be part of an IP header.
IPHeader.Option - Class in org.opennms.protocols.ip
The Option class is used as the base class for any options that are at the end of the IP header.
IPHeader.RouteOption - Class in org.opennms.protocols.ip
This class represents routing options that may be part of an IP header.
IPHeader.RouteRecordOption - Class in org.opennms.protocols.ip
This class represents the route record option that may be part of an IP header.
IPHeader.StrictSourceRouteOption - Class in org.opennms.protocols.ip
This class represents the strict source routing options that may be part of an IP header.
IPv4Address - Class in org.opennms.protocols.ip
Represents an Internet Protocol version 4 address.
IPv4Address() - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Constructs a new IPv4Address object.
IPv4Address(IPv4Address) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Constructs a new address object based upon the value of the first object.
IPv4Address(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Constructs a new object based on the value stored in the passed array.
IPv4Address(int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Constructs a new address object based on the 32-bit passed value.
IPv4Address(String) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Creates a new object by decomposing the passed string into it four components.
IPv4Address(InetAddress) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Creates a new IPv4Address from the passed InetAddress object.
isEchoReply() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Used to test to see if the header is an echo reply message.
isEchoRequest() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Used to test to see if the header is an echo request message.
isOptionCopied() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.Option
Returns true if the copy flag is set in the options header
iterator() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.RouteOption
Returns the iterator that may be used to look at the encapsulated addresses.


loadFromBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskReply
Reads the ICMP Address Mask Reqeust from the specified buffer and sets the internal fields equal to the data.
loadFromBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskRequest
Reads the ICMP Address Mask Reqeust from the specified buffer and sets the internal fields equal to the data.
loadFromBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ErrorMessage
Reads the ICMP Address Mask Reqeust from the specified buffer and sets the internal fields equal to the data.
loadFromBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Loads the data from the passed buffer into the current object.
loadFromBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Reads the ICMP header from the specified buffer and sets the internal fields equal to the data.
loadFromBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Reads the ICMP Address Mask Reqeust from the specified buffer and sets the internal fields equal to the data.
loadFromBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampRequest
Reads the ICMP Address Mask Reqeust from the specified buffer and sets the internal fields equal to the data.
LooseSourceRouteOption(IPv4Address[]) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.LooseSourceRouteOption
Constructs a new instance of the class with the passed addresses used for the routing.
LooseSourceRouteOption(List<IPv4Address>) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.LooseSourceRouteOption
Constructs a new instance of the class with the passed addresses used for the routing.


m_addrs - Variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.RouteOption
The list of addresses for the packet to hit on it's way to it's destination
m_code - Variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.Option
The single byte that defiend the copied bit, class, and code for the option


nextSequenceId() - Static method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Returns the next 16-bit sequence identifier for the class.


OC16ChecksumProducer - Class in org.opennms.protocols.ip
Produces a one's compliment 16-bit checksum from data that is "added" to the sum.
OC16ChecksumProducer() - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.OC16ChecksumProducer
Default constructor.
Option(byte) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.Option
Class constructor that is only available to the derived classes of the Option class.
OPTION_CLASS_MASK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
The option class mask
OPTION_COPY_MASK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
The bit(s) that define if the optiosn are copied to each datagram when (or if) it is fragmented.
OPTION_ID_EOO - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Option identifier for the End Of Options List option.
OPTION_ID_LOOSE_SOURCE_ROUTING - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Option identifier for the loose source routing option
OPTION_ID_ROUTE_RECORD - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Option identifier for the route record option
OPTION_ID_STRICT_SOURCE_ROUTING - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Option identifer for the the strict source routing option
OPTION_NUMBER_MASK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
The option number mask
org.opennms.protocols.icmp - package org.opennms.protocols.icmp
org.opennms.protocols.ip - package org.opennms.protocols.ip


receive() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.IcmpSocket
This method is used to receive the next ICMP datagram from the operating system.
reset() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.OC16ChecksumProducer
Resets the object to a zero state.
RouteRecordOption(int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.RouteRecordOption
Constructs an empty route record with space for capacity addresses to be recoreded.
RouteRecordOption(IPv4Address[]) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.RouteRecordOption
Constructs a new instance with the give addresses set in the option header
RouteRecordOption(List<IPv4Address>) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.RouteRecordOption
Constructs a new instance with the given addresses stored in the option.


send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.IcmpSocket
This method is used to send the passed datagram using the ICMP transport.
setAddress(IPv4Address) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Sets the current address based upon the value of the passed object.
setAddress(byte[]) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Sets the object based on the value stored in the passed array.
setAddress(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Sets the address object based on the 32-bit passed value.
setAddress(String) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Sets the object by decomposing the passed string into it four components.
setAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Sets the IPv4Address from the passed InetAddress object.
setAddressMask(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskReply
Used to set the IPv4 32-bit address mask.
setChecksum(short) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
setChecksum(short) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the checksum for the IP header.
setCode(byte) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Sets the 8-bit code for the ICMP packet
setDestinationAddress(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the IP headers destination address.
setFlags(byte) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the flags contained in the upper 3 bits of the short value for the fragmentation offset.
setFragmentOffset(short) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the fragmentation index for this packet
setIdentity(short) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Sets the header's 16-bit user defined identity value.
setIdentity(short) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the identity of the IP header
setIPHeader(IPHeader) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ErrorMessage
Sets the IP header in error.
setNextSequenceId() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Gets the next global identifier and sets the value in the object.
setOptionData(byte[]) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the current option data for the header.
setOriginateTS() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Sets the originate timestamp to the current date in millisecond resolution.
setOriginateTS(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Sets the originate timestamp to the passed value.
setOriginateTS() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampRequest
Sets the originate timestamp to the current date in millisecond resolution.
setOriginateTS(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampRequest
Sets the originate timestamp to the passed value.
setPacketLength(short) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the length for IP packet, including the header.
setPingRTT(long) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Sets the ping Round Trip Time
setProtocol(byte) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the protocol for the IP header.
setProtocolData(byte[]) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ErrorMessage
Sets the protocol data that caused the error.
setReceivedTime() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Sets the recieved time for the packet.
setReceivedTime(long) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Sets the received time to the passed value.
setReceiveTS() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Sets the receive timestamp to the current date in millisecond resolution.
setReceiveTS(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Sets the receive timestamp to the passed value.
setSentTime() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Sets the sent time to the current time.
setSentTime(long) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Sets the sent time to the passed value.
setSequenceId(short) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Sets the headers 16-bit sequence identifier.
setSourceAddr(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the IP headers source address.
setTID(long) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Sets the current Thread Id
setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.IcmpSocket
This method is used to set the traffic class for the socket.
setTransmitTS() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Sets the transmit timestamp to the current date in millisecond resolution.
setTransmitTS(int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Sets the tranmit timestamp to the passed value.
setTTL(byte) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the time to live for the IP header
setType(byte) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Sets the 8-bit type code for the packet.
setTypeOfService(byte) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Sets the TOS flags for the IP header.
size() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.RouteOption
Returns the number of addresses contained in the option list.
storeToBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskReply
Writes the ICMP address mask reply out to the specified buffer at the starting offset.
storeToBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskRequest
Writes the ICMP address mask request out to the specified buffer at the starting offset.
storeToBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Writes the objects data out to the specified buffer at the starting offset.
storeToBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Writes the ICMP header out to the specified buffer at the starting offset.
storeToBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Writes the ICMP address mask reply out to the specified buffer at the starting offset.
storeToBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampRequest
Writes the ICMP address mask request out to the specified buffer at the starting offset.
StrictSourceRouteOption(IPv4Address[]) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.StrictSourceRouteOption
Constructs a new instance of the class with the passed addresses used for the routing.
StrictSourceRouteOption(List<IPv4Address>) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader.StrictSourceRouteOption
Constructs a new instance of the class with the passed addresses used for the routing.


TimestampReply - Class in org.opennms.protocols.icmp
This is the implementation of an ICMP timestamp reply object.
TimestampReply() - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Creates a new ICMP Timestamp Reply object.
TimestampReply(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Creates a new ICMP timestamp reply from the spcified data at the specific offset.
TimestampRequest - Class in org.opennms.protocols.icmp
This is the implementation of an ICMP timestamp reqeust object.
TimestampRequest() - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampRequest
Creates a new ICMP Timestamp Request object.
TimestampRequest(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampRequest
Creates a new ICMP timestamp request from the spcified data at the specific offset.
toBytes() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskReply
Converts the object to a stream of bytes.
toBytes() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.AddressMaskRequest
Converts the object to an array of bytes
toBytes() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket
Converts the object into an array of bytes which is suitable for transmission to remote hosts.
toBytes() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
Converts the object to a string of bytes.
toBytes() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampReply
Converts the object to an array of bytes.
toBytes() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.TimestampRequest
Converts the object to an array of bytes.
TOS_DELAY_LOW - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Minimize the delay when handling packets.
TOS_DELAY_MASK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
TOS delay mask as defined by RFC 791.
TOS_DELAY_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Normal packet handling
TOS_PRECEDENCE_CRITICAL_ECP - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Critical/ECP TOS.
TOS_PRECEDENCE_FLASH - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Flash TOS.
TOS_PRECEDENCE_FLASH_OVERRIDE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Flash Override TOS.
TOS_PRECEDENCE_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Immediate TOS.
TOS_PRECEDENCE_INTERNETWORK_CONTROL - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Internetworking Control TOS.
TOS_PRECEDENCE_MASK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
The Type-Of-Service mask.
TOS_PRECEDENCE_NETWORK_CRITICAL - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Network Critical TOS.
TOS_PRECEDENCE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Priority TOS.
TOS_PRECEDENCE_ROUTINE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Routine TOS.
TOS_RELIBILITY_HIGH - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
High Reliability requested.
TOS_RELIBILITY_MASK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Packet reliablity mask.
TOS_RELIBILITY_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Normal reliability requrested
TOS_RESERVED_MASK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Mask of the reseered bits.
TOS_THROUGHPUT_HIGH - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
High throughput requested
TOS_THROUGHPUT_MASK - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
TOS Throughput mask
TOS_THROUGHPUT_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Normal throughput requested
toString() - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPv4Address
Converts the object to a string and returns the string to the caller.
TYPE_ADDRESS_MASK_REPLY - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_ADDRESS_MASK_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_ECHO_REPLY - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_ECHO_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_INFORMATION_REPLY - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_INFORMATION_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_PARAMETER_PROBLEM - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_REDIRECT - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_ROUTER_SOLICITATION - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_SOURCE_QUENCH - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_TIME_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_TIMESTAMP_REPLY - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader
TYPE_TIMESTAMP_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPHeader


UnknownIPVersionException - Exception in org.opennms.protocols.ip
This exception is thrown when the IP version is not supported by the IPHeader class.
UnknownIPVersionException() - Constructor for exception org.opennms.protocols.ip.UnknownIPVersionException
UnknownIPVersionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.opennms.protocols.ip.UnknownIPVersionException


writeBytes(byte[], int) - Method in class org.opennms.protocols.ip.IPHeader
Stores the IP header as an array of bytes into the passed data buffer.
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