The [[OnmsServer]] being connected to by this DAO.
Acknowledge an alarm.
user: stringThe user to ack the alarm as. (Only administrators have the right to do this.)
Clear an alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
Close the ticket associated with the given alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
Create a trouble ticket for the specified alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
Delete the journal memo ticket associated with the given alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
Delete the sticky memo ticket associated with the given alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
Escalate an alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
Finds the values for the given propertyId, if it exists.
The propertyId to find the values for
options: anySome additional options. May be implementer dependent, such as limit, or value restrictions
A promise containing the values.
getExtracts the data from an HTTP Request result.
the HTTP Request result.
An array of [[OnmsAlarm]] objects.
Returns the Promise for a [[IFilterProcessor]].
parseFetches the data from the result and verfifes that the dataFieldName
exists in the data property.
If it does not exist, an exception is thrown.
The result to fetch the data from
The property name (basically[dataFieldName]
The path where the result was fetched from. This is for error handling
Callback function to convert each entry from[dataFieldName]
Create or update the journal memo associated with the alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
The memo body
user: stringThe user to update the memo as. (Only administrators have the right to do this.)
Create or update the sticky memo associated with the alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
The memo body
user: stringThe user to update the memo as. (Only administrators have the right to do this.)
Get the list properties that can be used in queries.
Gets the property identified by the id if it exists.
The id to search the property by.
searchAssociate a ticket ID with the alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
The ticket ID.
Update the state of the ticket associated with the alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
The ticket state.
toNotify OpenNMS it should fetch updated ticket state for an alarm from the remote ticketing system.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
Un-acknowledge an alarm.
The [[OnmsAlarm]] or alarm ID.
user: stringProtected
visit"visits" a filter clause, applying it to the filter visitor
the clause to visit
the visitor impl to invoke
visitIterate over a Filter object and its children.
the filter to visit
the class to invoke while visiting the filter
Data access for [[OnmsAlarm]] objects.