Construct a new GrafanaHTTP implementation.
The Grafana BackendSrv object to use for requests.
server: API.OnmsServerThe OpenNMS server to make requests to.
timeout: numberThe default set of HTTP options associated with this ReST client.
The default options used when making requests with this instance.
The server associated with this HTTP implementation.
Make an HTTP GET call using the Grafana BackendSrv
options: API.OnmsHTTPOptionsProtected
getAttempt to extract the data from a response.
getGet the union of [[OnmsHTTPOptions]] based on the passed options, defaults, and options in the [[OnmsServer]] associated with this request. Order of precedence is passed options -> server options -> default options.
options: API.OnmsHTTPOptionsProtected
getGet the [[OnmsServer]] object that should be used for making requests. Favors the one passed in the [[OnmsHTTPOptions]], otherwise it falls back to the default server associated with the HTTP implementation.
options: API.OnmsHTTPOptionsMake an HTTP HEAD call using the Grafana BackendSrv
options: API.OnmsHTTPOptionsMake an HTTP DELETE call using the Grafana BackendSrv
options: API.OnmsHTTPOptionsProtected
onImplementers should override this method if they have actions that need to be performed (like clearing a cache) when server settings change.
Make an HTTP POST call using the Grafana BackendSrv
options: API.OnmsHTTPOptionsMake an HTTP PUT call using the Grafana BackendSrv
options: API.OnmsHTTPOptionsProtected
transformJSONA convenience method for implementers to use to turn JSON into a javascript object. Use this to process a JSON response before returning it in an [[OnmsResult]] object.
transformXMLA convenience method for implementers to use to turn XML into a javascript object. Use this to process an XML response before returning it in an [[OnmsResult]] object.
Implementation of the [[IOnmsHTTP]] interface for Grafana.